Category: 6 - 9 years
- Winner: Chloe (1 x CoolMumSuperDad book, 18 poster color c/w palette and water tray, plus a medium-sized calculator)
- 2nd Runner-up: Erdem (1 x Staedtler complete stationery kit c/w pencil case)
Category: 10 - 12 years
- Winner: Jemsen Tan (1 x CoolMumSuperDad book, 18 poster color c/w palette and water tray, plus a medium-sized calculator)
- 1st Runner-up: Yong Ee Lynn (1 x 12 pcc Buncho poster color plus a small sized calculator)
- 2nd Runner-up: Michelle Teh Ru-Ee (1 x Staedtler complete stationery kit c/w pencil case)